Jack is bored this morning. He is complaining there is nothing to do. But he doesn’t want to DO anything. None of my suggestions interest him.

“Would you like to watch a movie?” Nope. “How about coloring?” No. “Would you help me with the laundry?” Jack laughed so hard I thought he’d fall off his chair. “How about going for a walk?” No. It’s too cold and it’s going to rain.

I have run out of ideas, for the moment. And I don’t have the energy to keep him entertained. After a full week of working, I’m tired. I don’t even have the energy to tackle my own to do list.

So we are at an impasse. Jack is demanding my attention, wanting me to find something for him to do. But he is rejecting all of my ideas, preferring in this moment to pester me like a hyperactive two year old. I can see I won’t be getting much done today.

Now Jack is looking through a coloring book about fairies, telling me a story for every page. He is singing the story instead of talking. He is my happy little boy, at least for now. It is a good first step.

Perhaps I can coax him to color a page for me, one that I will tear out and hang on the wall. Then it will be lunchtime. After that, he will probably nap. That will give me time to come up with something to keep him busy until dinner.

There is no simple answer. In the trailer’s limited space, there aren’t many options. Once my new tablet comes, I will have games and other interactive things on it to keep him busy. I can stream movies and tv. I will have Skype so he can talk to people.

But the tablet isn’t here yet. I still have to get through today.